Carbohydrate Counting for People with Diabetes
CARBOHYDRATE COUNTING FOR PEOPLE WITH DIABETES Carbohydrate Counting is a meal-planning tool for managing your blood glucose levels. Any...

10 Tips to Start Your 2015 Fitness Journey
Do you participate in new years resolutions? If you are like myself and many others, you come up with an unrealistic goal in an...
Fight Colds and Flu with Food
So you’ve had your seasonal dose of the flu vaccine, you’re constantly washing you hands in scalding hot water, and you’ve been abusing...

MyPlate Myths
MyPlate was launched in 2011 and over the years has increased in popularity. However, consumer knowledge gaps remain prevalent. This...

Facts on Fats
Have you ever found yourself stuck in the middle of the grocery store aisle trying to decide which oil to cook with or which fat is the...

Healthy Eating on a Budget
The rise of food costs has become a problem today in the U.S. According the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the consumer...

A Meatless Meal a Day Can Keep the Doctor Away
Lately, it seems like information on diet changes daily, and that may confuse our decisions when it comes to eating well. But, there is...

Caloric Density
What a great reminder that eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains can make you feel fuller faster, and keep you feeling fuller longer!